Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leaving Arizona

Tomorrow the Arizona portion of my trip concludes and the international travel begins. This time in the Southwest I was able to take in some new sights including Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park in Utah, and the Petrified Forest, Canyon de Chelly, and Meteor Crater in Arizona. I was also able to catch up with some old friends and make sure my stench lingers down here a little longer.

Now I will be heading to San Carlos, Mexico for the weekend to party, fish, and hang out with some friends. Then on Sunday I plan to start heading south towards Guatemala.
I added a Google Map to my blog that shows the route I have taken so far. The different modes of transportation are color coded to see which ones proved the most useful. I may also put points of interest and camp sites on the map as I go along.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Getting ready to leave

Welcome to my blog. I decided to do a blog instead of facebook because this way I am not force feeding my friends inane anecdotes and pointless stories. Only those that are somehow interested in my travels, or deliberately trying to waste time will be exposed to my drabble.

Today I packed up my bag and Wednesday I will be leaving for Tucson via Amtrak. One of my goals for this trip is to fly as little as possible, or hopefully not at all. I think it will be fun to try as many modes of transportation as possible, and should also reduce my ecological impact.

My current plan is to spend a couple of weeks in Tucson, then head to Guatemala to brush up on my Spanish. After this my only plan is to keep moving south. I am bringing all of my camping gear so I plan on doing a bit of exploring along the way as well.

I am not sure how regularly I will post to this blog, but probably not all that often. I think this is a benefit for everyone involved because I will spend less time in internet cafe's, and you will be spared the day-to-day and can skip to the most interesting stories from my travels. It should also be noted that I have never written anything like this, and usually can't even find the words to put on a birthday card, so be prepared for some pretty bad writing.

Hasta luego muchachos.